JULIO IGLESIAS TO PERFORM BENEFIT CONCERT IN MEMORY OF OSCAR DE LA RENTA, "Homenaje a un Amigo"11/6/2014 Thursday, April 24, 2014 marked a special day in the history of the relationship between Julio Iglesias and Oscar de la Renta. De la Renta was in New York to accept the prestigious Medal of Excellence award for business leadership and philanthropy, and Iglesias was there to honor his friend with an intimate concert at Carnegie Hall. Not only did this event – Entre Amigos – draw guests from the upper echelons of the political and fashion worlds, but it was also Iglesias’ first performance at Carnegie Hall in over 25 years, and it was all done to honor the man he referred to as his brother: Oscar de la Renta. I am pleased to announce that there will be a spiritual successor to the Entre Amigos Carnegie Hall performance in the form of a special, intimate night with Julio Iglesias at PUNTACANA entitled Homenaje A Un Amigo. On Sunday, December 28, 2014 Julio Iglesias will be in PUNTACANA's La Cana Golf & Beach Club for his first ever concert at the resort, this location is fitting in that it was the venue where our last major event occurred, The 2012 Oscar de la Renta Fashion show. Therefore it is only right to welcome the new year in the same place that once held the beauty and creativity of one of the greatest fashion designers this world has ever seen. Like Iglesias performance at Carnegie Hall in April, it will be a personal night as he will be there to perform in memory of Oscar de la Renta.
In previous blog posts, we have covered some of the amazing philanthropic work that de la Renta and Iglesias have done with the PUNTACANA Foundation, and this concert will be very much in keeping the spirit of their generosity and philanthropy. Remember, both entered into Grupo PUNTACANA and became partners together. Iglesias and de la Renta shared a passion for altruism which is why dll of the the proceeds from the event will go to the Pediatric Primary Care Clinic in Veron, which offers medical care to the rural communities in and around Punta Cana. The clinic currently treats over 15,000 children annually and is looking to expand to treat even more people. Julio Iglesias will be doing his best to insure that the clinic is able to expand with his performance in December. Much like Iglesias’ aforementioned performance in New York, this one is destined to be an unforgettable evening at La Cana Golf & Beach Club in PUNTACANA Resort & Club and for a good cause. After all, what could be better than an evening of Julio Iglesias’ legendary music performed in memory of Oscar de la Renta, all taking place under the stars in the Punta Cana sky while helping children in need? If you'd like to learn and or donate towards this life changing project, please click here for the Official Global Giving project page. For those of you in the United States, you may also reserve your table of 10 by clicking the link above and donating the minimum amount of 5 thousand dollars to the project. In order to complete your reservation you must then forward the receipt and or proof of donation to Karen Gomez at [email protected] while copying Margarita Alfonseca at [email protected]. Please keep in mind that tables are limited and many of them have already been reserved, so please check with Ms. Gomez via email or telephone at (809)959-2714 ext 2241 if you'd like to make a donation in order to attend the event.
tanya moya
11/6/2014 04:26:49 am
Me encnataria estar presente esa noche de homenaje a ese gran ser humano y amigo de mi idolo desde mis primeros años de infancia en los años 70 siempre he escuchados sus canciones y mi sueño es verlo cantar de serca. sera una noche inolvidable para los que asistan
Bertha holguin
11/6/2014 05:31:08 am
Julio as sido Mi idolo desde que yo tenia 9 años he asistido a Varios De tus consiertos pero Mi sueño siempre a sido tomar Una Foto contigo yo puedo aguantar 48 horas sin dormir escuchandote estoy enamorada De tu music a.
11/6/2014 06:26:48 am
Mi ídolo , el mejor del mundo daría todo por verte cantar así sea un segundo, amo tus canciones desde muy niña cuando mi hermano las escuchaba, desde que tenía 6 años , desde ahí aprendí a cantar y es difícil de creer que la primera canción que memorice y cante fue a CORAZON. Te amo MI JULIO ..
11/6/2014 06:49:16 am
julio e o meu cantor numero 1 nao existe outro em minha vida,ele canta o que eu quero ouvir,i love julio abraços.
Dina Zied
11/6/2014 07:30:49 am
Great as we always expect from Julio.
Nahed ghorbal
11/6/2014 07:40:37 am
Where r tickets sold?
11/7/2014 04:03:40 am
Hello Nahed,
11/6/2014 09:16:45 am
A great honor to always count with our Julio Iglesias. Julio is part of the Dominican Republic and we love you Julio. Where can tickets be bought?
11/7/2014 04:18:53 am
Hello Andria,
GINA Levis
11/6/2014 09:39:07 am
Agradeceria me enviara informacion de donde conseguir para comprar los boletos para este cocierto.
11/7/2014 04:09:46 am
Matilde Tejada
11/6/2014 10:58:38 am
i will like to buy a ticket if it's possible
11/7/2014 03:59:30 am
Ivelisse Morrobel
11/6/2014 01:56:48 pm
Increíble yo estuve ahí en el homenaje a Óscar de la renta en el carnegie hall ?
11/6/2014 09:31:22 pm
11/6/2014 09:34:57 pm
merci Julio
11/6/2014 09:58:07 pm
All of the Arabic-speaking thanks to Julio from Syria
11/7/2014 04:24:28 am
Julito, como siempre lo maximo, tuve la suerte de conocerte , eres un amor, te mereces tu y tu hermosa familia lo mejor del mundo, que no es precisamente el dinero, es salud, estabilidad emocional, y mucho amor. Po siempre mi idolo.
María M.Ramírez Aguilera
11/7/2014 04:39:05 am
Señor Julio Iglesias Ha sido un placer llegar a Ecuador y poder disfrutar de su musica,realmente es un privilegio,no importa que no haya ido a sus conciertos porque en la vida no se puede querer todo,retorno a mi pais sabiendo que no podré enterarme por las redes sociales de su actualidad pero me voy complacida de haberme actualizado de todo lo que está haciendo pero lo que mas me imnpresionó es la CANTIDAD de fans que le siguen,yo pensaba que era una persona que no caminaba con el tiempoo porque su música la llevo en mi corazón desde niña pero para gran placer mio me dí cuenta que soy unade los millones de personas que aman su música y lo aman a ud.Muchas gracias por hacer nuestros dias más felices.Dios le bendiga manteniendo su voz fresca,lozana y armonisa para deleitarnos a nosotros..
11/11/2014 12:12:42 am
José Miguel hidalgo
11/7/2014 07:06:07 am
waooo impresionantes seria escúchel las canciones de julio iglesias en persona
Eva Medina
11/25/2014 08:51:53 pm
Somos tres Españoles que queremos asistir al concierto benéfico, estamos buscando personas para completar una mesa
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